VOLLEYBALL - N. 2021 - Serve, reception, lift, attack and block to slide in all positions

VOLLEYBALL - N. 2021 - Serve, reception, lift, attack and block to slide in all positions


Type and Action

Sports: volleyball, synthetic exercise
Objective: technical
Action: serve, reception, attack, block

Technical data sheet

Age: over 11 years

Short description

one player bats at a time; all six players of the team are placed on the other field. Reception, rise and attack, with block. Only if the lift is playable, the server goes to the block, the block goes to attack, the attack goes to defense and the defense goes to serve.


arranged according to the described scheme, not in teams. The field is the one used for volleyball m. 18x9


six players are placed on the field, in the receiving position and three players in the other field on the wall. One player at a time serves in the other court, reception, ball to the setter who in turn plays it to the front line, wherever he wants. Only if the lift is playable, the server goes to the block, the block goes to attack, the attack goes to defense and the defense goes to serve. After about 10 serves, a rotation is made on the court, so that the reception is attempted with the setter in all 6 positions.


Scroll at the coach's signal instead of after each playable lift. Exercise also valid for under 12 or 13, setting the positions on the field with reception at w


if the player who dunked is a winger, the blocking player who flows into attack must respect the role, i.e. if he has dunked a winger it will be the winger who was blocking who takes the place of the winger who dunked, the winger who dunked will go on defense and it will be the defending winger who will serve. In the case of the center back, if it is a center back who does not receive because there is a libero, the center back who spiked passes directly into service and the receiving players remain the same. After about 5 attacks, change the setters and after about 10 attacks, rotate the court.



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