MOVEMENT AND SPORTS GAME FOR CHILDREN - No. 0006 - moving between the circles

MOVEMENT AND SPORTS GAME FOR CHILDREN - No. 0006 - moving between the circles


Type and Action

Type: movement and sports game for children, exercise running games without the ball: animation games, running games with the ball
Goal: basic physical-motor activity, basketball, walking, running, coupling and motor combination skills, space-time and dynamic differentiation skills, orientation skills, general endurance
Action:, dribble

Technical Sheet

Age: 7-11 years, 3-7 years, 11-14 years


arranged in a circle, in the field, outside the circles; not in teams. The field is that delineated by the arrangement of the material


children run around the circles clockwise. At the signal of the animator, each child must enter a circle. The circles on the ground are always one less than the children.
You cannot enter a circle if it is already occupied by another child
Whoever enters a circle occupied by another child performs a penance (e.g. 3 laps of running around the circles)
PURPOSE: to be able to enter a circle at the signal of the animator
SCORING: 1 penalty point is awarded to the one who does not find the circle
VICTORY: those who manage to find the free circle win


Remove a circle at each stop and eliminate anyone who has not found the circle Make different types of movements: forward and backward, sideways, clockwise and counterclockwise, out and into the circles, the right foot inside the circles and the left out, and vice versa, etc.
Increase the number of motor requests: eg at n ° 1 run outside the rims, at n ° 2 run inside the rims, at n ° 3 stop inside the rims.
Choose various types of stimuli: colors, odd or even numbers, materials, tens or hundreds numbers, etc.
Making moves by dribbling a ball


gradually increase the stimuli.
Use scoring and not eliminating pupils


You are looking, one less than the number of children. (Balls, one for each child)

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