Machen Sie Sportübungen mit Grafikschemata, ein einfaches Programm zum Erstellen von Sportübungen, Zeichnen von Übungen und Trainings, Tutorials, Techniken und Taktiken
GESTICS ist ein System zum Aufbau von Sportübungen, Übungen, Sportübungen und Trainings, Tutorials, Techniken und Taktiken hauptsächlich für Mannschaftssportarten, aber auch für Einzelsportarten und BEWEGUNGS- UND SPORTSPIELE FÜR KINDER.
GESTICS steht für Graphics Sports Training Exercises - Images Coaching System.
GESTICS wurde aus den Erfahrungen der Coaches für Coaches entwickelt und entwickelt.
Mit GESTICS können Sie grafische Bilder in Farbe oder Schwarz-Weiß-Zeichnungen und komplette Trainingseinheiten erstellen, indem Sie Spielfelder verwenden, mit Ansichten von sowohl zweidimensionalen (2D) als auch dreidimensionalen (3D) Modellen der Spieler, die in Bibliotheken unterteilt und organisiert sind analysieren und repräsentieren die verschiedenen Situationen und die Grundlagen des Spiels. Im Volleyball zum Beispiel finden wir neben Dutzenden von Feldern viele Modelle von Spielern, die beim Aufschlag stehen, empfangen, dribbeln, angreifen, an der Wand oder in der Verteidigung stehen.
GESTICS für jede Sportart und jede Spielsituation bietet Spielermodelle mit Blick von vorne, hinten, seitlich, vorne und schräg nach hinten, die es uns ermöglichen, Übungen, Übungen und Spiele aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln darzustellen. Für jede Sportart finden Sie auch eine ganze Reihe von generischem Zubehör (Hürden, Reifen, Stöcke, Poller, Kegel usw.) und spezifisches (Bälle, Tor, Türen, Körbe, Absperrungen, Fahnen, Treppen usw.). als weiteres nützliches Zubehör bei Training und Übungen (Bänke, Teppiche, etc..).
GESTICS bietet den Playern in den verschiedenen Bibliotheken, Feldern und Zubehör, die alle im Vektorformat sind, das bedeutet, dass selbst wenn Sie das Bild vergrößern, um es auf eine große Leinwand zu projizieren, die Auflösung immer maximal ist und verhindert, dass hässliche Pixel angezeigt werden, die macht die körnigen Bilder und überprüft alle kleinen Quadrate.
GESTICS ermöglicht es Ihnen, beliebige Gegenstände oder Accessoires, T-Shirts und Shorts der Spieler nach Belieben zu verschieben, zu färben, zu drehen und in der Größe zu ändern, sowie benutzerdefinierte Bibliotheken zu erstellen, die in anderen Projekten wiederverwendet werden können.
GESTICS ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Trainingskarten auf Papier in jedem Format auszudrucken, Ihre Arbeit als PDF oder Bildformat (jpg, png, gif, etc..) zu exportieren, zu speichern und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wiederzuverwenden.
GESTICS wurde mit einer Idee der Einfachheit geboren, die es uns ermöglicht, uns auf die Arbeit zu konzentrieren, anstatt ganze Tage damit zu verschwenden, ein neues Computerprogramm zu erlernen.
GESTICS kann von jedem genutzt werden, der mit einer Office-Software (LibreOffice / OpenOffice) umgehen kann, auch mit nur Grundkenntnissen. Mit gestic kann jetzt jeder seine eigenen Karten mit Sportübungen, Trainings und Tutorials erstellen.
GESTICS wird als Erweiterung in LibreOffice / OpenOffice installiert und ermöglicht es Ihnen, alle Funktionen dieses wunderbaren Programms zu nutzen. Wenn wir diese Software noch nicht installiert haben, kein Problem, es handelt sich um eine Open-Source-Software, lizenziert unter der GNU LGPL, Multilingual (mehr als 50 Sprachen weltweit), die Sie kostenlos herunterladen, installieren und verwenden können Freizeit. Libreoffice / Openoffice sind komplette Programmpakete zum Schreiben, Zeichnen, Präsentieren usw.
Obwohl es nur wenige Unterschiede gibt, empfehlen wir die Verwendung von Libreoffice. Die neueste Version kann von der offiziellen internationalen Website heruntergeladen werden:
GESTICS ist mehrsprachig und integriert sich nahtlos in LibreOffice / OpenOffice. Darüber hinaus ist GESTICS modular, was bedeutet, dass Sie separate Pakete kaufen können, die nach der Installation passen; Sie können zum Beispiel das Fußballpaket kaufen, das alles enthält, was Sie für die Schaffung eigener Arbeitsplätze benötigen. Aber wenn der Benutzer später Futsal-Sportübungen erstellen möchte oder zusätzliche Spielermodelle benötigt, kein Problem, es gibt zusätzliche Module zu reduzierten Kosten, die nur Futsal-Felder oder Hunderte von Spieler- und Torwartmodellen installieren.
GESTICS kann von der Textverarbeitung (Writer) und über das Präsentationsprogramm (Impress) verwendet werden, aber das Programm besser und geeigneter für den Zweck ist sicherlich das Design (Draw)
Easy and user-frendly software to make sports exercises with graphics schemes, a simple program to create sports exercises, drawing drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics in tennis
It is an extension, that is an addition to the program LibreOffice / OpenOffice that allows anyone to create sports exercises, drills, diagrams and game situations even if you don't have drawing skills.
In fact, with a few simple mouse movements you can set various types and various views of the tennis court, have the players and objects, set trajectories of the ball, etc.
In this package you can find several images representing the symbols of the sport court: players, ball, fields, networks, etc. These images, all in vector format, are very suitable for the construction of exercises and drills.
Sincere thanks go to a group of young designers, particularly Benedetta S. Sara S. Lorenzo D. Niccolò T. who designed the initial images of the players on paper. The present work has been done and edited by prof. Gianpaolo Lucatti. The images have been revised and organized in the gallery in different themes. The program is covered by a license that will be asked of course the end user to be accepted in the time of installation.
As soon as we finished the installation we are ready to begin.
To use GESTICS just open LibreOffice Draw (Drawing), the software to create drawings, click on the gallery (Or go to the Tools menu and click Gallery.) And GESTICS can be used by other programs in LibreOffice, in fact, the gallery will be also integrated in Libreoffice Writer (word processor), in Libreoffice Impress (presentations) and in all other programs in the suite.
The galleries are organized in a simple and intuitive way!
The basic model that LibreOffice Draw displays at the time of the opening has the page set with margins at 1 cm on all sides. We recommend you to set the page with margins 2 cm on all sides, (To do this just go to the menu Format -> Page and from there set the margins to 2 cm), or download or open directly from this link the template already set up as it should, named (Base Model Creation Of Cards For Exercises Schemes tennis.odg), inclusive of the fields related to the description of the exercise and simply open it.
Create your own sports exercises and trainings, diagrams of play with a few clicks!
We begin to enter a playing field. We go for example in tennis 3D fields gallery, click and drag the field you want. You can choose the entire field or half-court with the view from above, of a sport to your liking. Position it in the top of the sheet, at the intersection of margins.
Then we go to the gallery of the players we are interested in, such as standing or in defense, choosing the color you want (of course we can always color them after their own pleasure). Now you can take the ball or the basket of balls, braces, pins, add text or another.
At the end of your work you can made the description, and also in this case ypu have at the bottom of all the models of fields, a text frame preset that once dragged and positioned in the page is ready to be able to enter a description or if you do not like you can edit or create a new one according to your needs.
At the end of your work save the file, print it, turn it into a picture or export to pdf. Your exercises or diagram of play will be so ready, also perfect in detail and easy to categorize and remember.
Good preparation of trainings and enjoy with GESTICS !!!
Easy and user-frendly software to make sports exercises with graphics schemes, a simple program to create sports exercises, drawing drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics in rugby
It is an extension, that is an addition to the program LibreOffice / OpenOffice that allows anyone to create sports exercises, drills, diagrams and game situations even if you don't have drawing skills.
In fact, with a few simple mouse movements you can set up various types and various views of the rugby field, place players and objects, set the trajectory of the ball, and so on.
In this package you can find several images that represent the symbols of the sport rugby players, footballs, golf, doors, etc.. These images, all in vector format, are very suitable for the construction of exercises and drills.
Sincere thanks go to a group of young designers, in particular, to Violante A. Luis C. Tommaso R. e Matteo Z. who designed the initial images of the players on paper. The present work has been done and edited by prof. Gianpaolo Lucatti. The images have been revised and organized in the gallery in different themes. The program is covered by a license that will be asked of course the end user to be accepted at the time of installation.
As soon as we finished the installation we are ready to begin.
To use GESTICS just open LibreOffice Draw (Drawing), the software to create drawings, click on the gallery (Or go to the Tools menu and click Gallery.) And GESTICS can be used by other programs in LibreOffice, in fact, the gallery will be also integrated in Libreoffice Writer (word processor), in Libreoffice Impress (presentations) and in all other programs in the suite.
The galleries are organized in a simple and intuitive way!
The basic model that LibreOffice Draw displays at the time of the opening has the page set with margins at 1 cm on all sides. We recommend that you set the page margins to 2 cm on all sides, (To do this just go to the menu Format -> Page and from there set the margins to 2 cm), or open or download directly from this link the template already set up as it should be called (Base Model Creation Of Cards For Exercises Diagrams rugby.odg), inclusive of the fields related to the description of the exercise and simply open it.
Create your own sports exercises and trainings, diagrams of play with a few clicks!
We begin to enter a playing field. We go for example in rugby 3D fields gallery, click and drag the field you want. You can choose the entire field or half-court with the view from above, of a sport to your liking. Position it in the top of the sheet, at the intersection of margins.
Then we go to the gallery of the players we are interested in, such as standing or in defense, choosing the color you want (of course we can always color them after their own pleasure). Now you can take the ball or the basket of balls, braces, pins, add text or another.
At the end of your work you can made the description, and also in this case ypu have at the bottom of all the models of fields, a text frame preset that once dragged and positioned in the page is ready to be able to enter a description or if you do not like you can edit or create a new one according to your needs.
At the end of your work save the file, print it, turn it into a picture or export to pdf. Your exercises or diagram of play will be so ready, also perfect in detail and easy to categorize and remember.
Good preparation of training and fun with GESTICS !!!
Easy and user-frendly software to make sports exercises with graphics schemes, a simple program to create sports exercises, drawing drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics in ALL SPORTS AND GAMES, WITH SYMBOLS
It is an extension, that is an addition to the program LibreOffice / OpenOffice that allows anyone to create sports exercises, drills, patterns and situations of the game even if you have no drawing skills.
This program is particularly suitable for students and teachers, athletes, speakers, coaches, and fans in general, who want to quickly and easily embrace ALL SPORTS AND GAMES, WITH SYMBOLS. In fact, with a few simple mouse movements you can set up various types and various views of the golf game, all major sports (Soccer, Futsal, Indoor Soccer, Field Hockey, Ice Hockey and Hockey on the runway, Basketball, Handball, Volleyball WaterPolo, Rugby, Tennis, Badminton, Squash, Table Tennis, and all the MOVEMENT AND SPORTS GAMES FOR KIDS (eg. flag, dodgeball, hawk, ...)., have players and objects, set the trajectory of the ball, and so on.
In this package you can find several images that represent the stylized symbols suitable for all sports: players with top view, players with a symbol in a circle or triangle, players with the symbol on the T-Shirt, players with the symbol on the numbers or letters, balls, goal, golf accessories, training, etc.. These images, all in vector format, are very suitable for the construction of sports exercises, drills and drills.
The fundamental difference between this and the other packages in the collection GESTICS is that in the specific sports packages there are the models of the sport with all the players involved in the various game situations and training (Players standing, dribbling, passing, ... Players with a view of the front, back, side, front and oblique oblique behind, in short, all the components that together give a three-dimensional view of the situation represented) and the playing fields with views of both 2D and 3D view, while in this package Players are stylized with a view from the top or with symbols that represent all the players, eg. T-shirts, numbers, or letters and 2D playing fields of all major sports, but with only the view from above and not in perspective so as to give depth and three-dimensionality to the graphical representation.
The present work has been done and edited by prof. Gianpaolo Lucatti. The images have been revised and organized in the gallery in different themes. The program is covered by a license that will be asked of course the end user to be accepted at the time of installation.
As soon as we finished the installation we are ready to begin.
To use GESTICS just open LibreOffice Draw (Drawing), ie the software to create drawings, click on the gallery (Or go to the Tools menu and click Gallery.) And GESTICS can be used by other programs in LibreOffice, in fact, the gallery will be also integrated in Libreoffice Writer (word processor), in Libreoffice Impress (presentations) and in all other programs in the suite.
The galleries are organized in a very simple and intuitive!
The basic model that LibreOffice Draw displays at the time of the opening has the page set with margins at 1 cm on all sides. We recommend that you set the page margins to 2 cm on all sides, (To do this just go to the menu Format -> Page and from there set the margins to 2 cm), or open or download directly from this link the template already set up as it should be called (Base Model Creation Of Cards For Exercises Diagrams allsports.odg) , inclusive of the fields related to the description of the exercise and simply open it.
We create our own exercises and training schemes and play with a few clicks!
We begin to enter a playing field. Let's go to the gallery TuttiSports example, the fields of 3D and begin to drag the playing field we want. We can choose the field of whole or half of the field with a view from above, of a sport at your own leisure. Position it at the top of the sheet, at the margins.
Then we go to the gallery of the symbols of the players we are interested, for example symbol player seen from above, circles, triangles, t-shirts, choosing the color you want (of course you can always color them after at your own pleasure). Now we can take the ball or the basket of balls, braces, pins, add text or another.
At the end of our work we have made the description, and also in this case we have at the bottom of all the models of the fields, a text frame preset that once dragged and positioned in the page is ready to be able to enter a description or if we do not like we can edit or create a new one according to your needs.
At the end of their work save the file, print it, turn it into a picture or export to pdf. Our exercises or sports drills will be so ready, also perfect in detail and easy to categorize and remember.
Good preparation of training and fun with GESTICS !!!
DE - Sport Exercises
DE - Fussball - Sportübungen
Fussball - Sportübungen
DE - Futsal - Sportübungen
Futsal - Sportübungen
DE - Basketball – Sportübungen
Basketball – Sportübungen
DE - Volleyball - Sportübungen
Volleyball - Sportübungen
DE - Rugby - Sportübungen
Rugby - Sportübungen
DE - Tennis - Sportübungen
Tennis - Sportübungen
DE - Bewegungs und Sportspiele Für Kinder - Sportübungen
Bewegungs und Sportspiele Für Kinder - Sportübungen