VOLLEYBALL - N. 2008 - Attack from the front line after preparation with lift and defense

VOLLEYBALL - N. 2008 - Attack from the front line after preparation with lift and defense


Type and Action

Sport: volleyball, synthetic exercise
Objective: technical
Action: attack, defense

Technical Sheet

Age: over 11 years

Short description

The first in the row gives the ball to the lifter and positions himself with his left foot on the three-meter line, arms forward, ready to start with the right + left foot. The setter first stops the ball and then throws it perfect and the player attacks in the other court, where another player defends and supports.


arranged according to the scheme described, not in teams. The field is used for volleyball m. 18x9


divide the field into three corridors. On each corridor there are: two forwards, a lifter and a defender on the other side. The first in the row gives the ball to the lifter and positions himself with his left foot on the three-meter line, as if he had already taken the first left step, arms forward, ready to load and jump. The setter stops the ball and waits for the hitter to be ready. He then throws the ball from below, not as a real lift, but with two hands, bending the legs well and making a perfect throw. The hitter starts paying close attention to the movement of the arms and to the right + left step with large loading and jump and performs a parallel dunk towards the defending player on the other side, who in turn must support the ball well towards his setter. which is not there. The player who attacked takes back his ball and gets back in line


After about 10 attacks, run: one of the players who dunked goes to lift the ball, the one who lifted the ball goes to defend and the one who defended goes to dunk


After about 10 attacks, scroll: one of the players who dunks goes to lift the ball, the one who raised the ball goes to defend and the one who defended goes to dunk



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