FUTSAL - N. 1803 - Match with three teams of four players, with pressing and verticalization

FUTSAL - N. 1803 - Match with three teams of four players, with pressing and verticalization


Type and Action

Sport: futsal
Objective: technical, go to goal
Action: attack, defense, pressing

Technical Sheet

Group / Team: in teams
Age: 11 - 14 years, 7 - 11 years

Short description

One team at a time in attack, must try to make a goal with a maximum of two touches in one of the two side goals, but at most only three players of the attacking team can be beyond the midfield line


arranged according to the scheme described, 3 teams, 4 players per team. The field is the one used for futsal, divided into three areas


three teams made up of 4 players of which one team is all on the pitch and the other two teams are on the pitch three at a time. The coach gives the ball to the team that has four players on the pitch and the team must be able to score goals in one of the two goals on either side.
The field is divided into three zones, zone 1 and 3, i.e. the zone of the penalty areas and zone 2, larger where the game and the pressing take place
The coach throws the ball to the whites in their own half and from this moment at most only three white players can cross the midfield line to score and when they cross they must be able to score goals in just two touches.
The three defending players must of course prevent it.
If the white team scores, or the ball is kicked out, the coach immediately throws a new ball again at the whites, but in the other half and the whites with the same system as before must be able to score in one of the two doors defended by three players from the blue team.
Whenever the coach throws a new ball, one of the four defending players stays off the back row.
Every 5 minutes the attacking team is changed and in the end the team that has scored the most goals scored wins.




4 small doors, balls and colored shirts

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